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Everyday a new city. Everyday a new face. So today I am here. You seem nice. We talk for hours. You seem like an old friend. But we both know I'll leave tomorrow, never to be heard from again.

Seems strange that it will happen. You tell me to keep in touch. You don't know me well enough to know that I won't. You don't know that tomorrow I'll be sitting with someone else talking about the same things gazing at the same sky.

We smile, we laugh, we dream. Time passes and soon the road calls again. I must leave now, bound for yet another city. We hug as if there were more between us. We hug as if we'll see each other again. Funny how we both know we won't.

As I turn my back to walk away, I become but a memory. It's funny that such a short encounters can leave such a lasting impressions. My brain is filled with too many of these. Some fade with time, while others hang on.

You hang on.....

Maybe I'll be back after all........
