Issue #1 is available by sending $1 to (or buying online):

Stephen Voss
221 Spring Ridge Dr.
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Skatedork Issue #1 Fall 1998 (buy online)

The Evolution of the Ollie by Michael Brooke

Magic Skatepark Roadtrip

Skate Protest: Fighting for Your Right to Skate

Skateboarding in Brazil by Bob Burnquist

Plus columns, pictures and more!

Reviews of Skatedork #1

Heckler (not sure which issue): Skatedork #1 is one of the best zines I've ever seen. Published by Steve Voss out of Berkeley Heights, NJ, it is a skateboarding zine that looks like Maximum Rock n Roll. Steve says 'Hopefully people who are in skating for the long run will be attracted to this zine.. We think that there's not enough written that focuses on the personal side of skateboarding, instead of simply covering pro skaters, and what the latest tech tricks are.' Highlight articles are: The History of the Ollie, Shoe Restoration: The Basics, Skating in the Rain, and Skating in Brazil by Bob Burnquist. This is the ruler of skate zines.

Punk Planet #30 March/April 1999. Skatedork: A DIY skating zine. While this is an issue one and certainly has its (very) rough edges, the energy of the authors is infectious and over all this full-sized newsprint skatezine holds a whole lot of promise. The definitive history of my arch nemesis the ollie is worth the cost of admission alone. I can't wait to see another issue (DS).

The Ten Page News #24. Skatedork: 32 fullsize newsprint pages about all things skateboard. No ads, but they're hoping to change that real soon. Photos of spectacular stunts, some history, coverage of a "skating is not a crime" rally, a piece on a newly reopened skatepark, more. All with a love of the art & sport of skating that the slicks just can't touch with their products & their professionals.

Zine World #9. "skatedork is a zine about skateboarding, it's as simple as that." Columns about skateboarding in the old days, in the old town; pictures of skateboarders in flight, etc. Much more interesting is the section about skateboarding kids petitioning their government for the right to peacably assemble and street surf.

Words as Weapons Zine Distro. So you love skateboarding, and like to read about it and see skate pictures, but you can't stand the boring ass macho skatemags with shitty sexist content. At long last there is an alternative-- a totally inspiring DIY alternative - Skatedork. These kids take a consciously more personal approach to skate journalism. They include reports of Pro-skating demonstrations, working with city and chariy organizations to develop skateparks, info about the Brazilian skate scene, and tips on how to repair shoes. Add to this some really amazing pictures, a history of the ollie, and some personal opinions and stories and what skating is really about, and you get a great zine. Its even pro-queer. Gives me hope for the skate scene. As you can probably tell by the title, this is a skateboarding zine. I like the fact that Skatedork goes far beyond the usual professional-skater glamour and adverts for trendy clothes. Skatedork is for and by real skaters who want to share real-life experiences with you. Highlights of this issue are: a roadtrip to the Magic Skatepark (Pennsylvania), the evolution of the ollie, shoe restoration tips, and an article about Brazilian skaters. Also included are some cool photos, more columns, and other stuff. Really interesting to read, and it makes me want to blow the dust off my old skateboard.