1. Sun Song
2. Land Mine
3. 924
4. Ain't Life a Drag...
5. All the Good Times
6. Hey Joe
7. My World Audio Fanzine #4
8. Welcome to Berkeley



Sun Song
I need Coca-Cola I need Preparation H I need Texaco and Shell and Exxon I need Chevrolet I need Camel cigarettes I need Budweiser Beer I need cable channels 195 I need 10 kinds of shampoo just so I can stay alive I need gainful employment I need a rental agreement I need a CAREER I need enslavement I need a hole in my head I need a hole in my head Sun comes up rains light down on the sky warms the Earth that's where I live Sun comes up pulls rain down from the sky wets the Earth that's where I live Sun comes up rain and light grow the food on the Earth that's where I live Sun comes up all my needs are provided for by the Sun on the Earth once the day's begun Land Mine
Land Mine - Blew my legs off Now I sit by - The subway station Land mine - Blew my legs off I ask for change - You turn your head and walk away I was a kid once - I got forced into it I couldn't afford college - I didn't have a deferment They call it service - Dismemberment They call it service - Amputation Germany Panama Lebanon Korea Vietnam Philippines Iraw.. This time it's Bosnia Favorable Statistics - And smiling confident Presidents Couldn't ever portray - An 18 year old Cut in half never gonna walk again Never gonna run again Never gonna Stand again Land mine - Blew my legs off I ask for change - You say to yourself just another alcoholic Land mine - Blew my legs off I got some change - I think I think I'll drink it all away I was a kid once - I got forced into it I couldn't afford college - I didn't have a deferment They call it service - Dismemberment
They call it service - Amputation Germany Panama Lebanon Korea Vietnam Philippines Iraw.. This time it's Bosnia Favorable Statistics - And smiling confident Presidents Couldn't ever portray - An 18 year old Cut in half never gonna walk again Never gonna run again Never gonna Stand again Jail all the owners of the mainstream media for the crimes of violence against humanity Jaill all the owners of the defense industry for the crimes of violence against humanity Jail all the presidents and senators and congressmen for the crimes of violence against numanity Jail Ted Turner, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Henry Kissinger and Al Haig For the crimes of violence against humanity (One day I turned on CNN and saw a story about a man named Martin Van Bigosh. He was a guy in the army who was sent to Bosnia and had his legs destroyed by a land mine. It got me to thinking about homeless people. See, in my town there are at any given moment from 5-15 homeless, physically disabled veterans. They usually seem to drink a lot more than the rest of us. It's probably unnecessary to ask the question why. That got me to thinking about the other "street people" I met while I was on the street. A lot of families. A lot of sexually/physically abused children. A lot of veterans. A lot of battered women. These people are a living, breathing, walking, talking testament to the inhumanity of our society. They are proof that we use boys to destroy others, countries with war and that we don't care if their lives are destroyed. We don't care if women and children are battered. We don't care if kids grow up in shelters. We don't care enouhg to keep these people housed. This, in turn, got my to thinking about how being a homeless person is becoming increasingly illegal in the majority of American cities. To me ot seems like human beings are becoming disposable once they have been wrecked by the various inhumanities of our society. Instead of collectively deciding to correct our faults we allow ourselves to be conned into thinking everything is the fault of the homeless. We are told they are responsible for people not shopping in downtown areas anymore, rather than the fact that most people don't have extra money to spend anymore. We are told that the meager government financial support of single mothers is the leading cause of the deficit, rather than the fact that the national debt is exactly the same as the amount spend on nuclear weapons (that we never needed) from the 1940's to the present, 4 trillion dollars. I was thinking that maybe there is a way, as a people, to not be fooled into thinking that crime is when a person robs a 7-11 and start putting away the moterfuckers who create, uphold, and run the machine that ruins life. Maybe there is a way to use the tremendous wealth we currently create for THEM and put it to the use of healing OUR racism misogyny, homophobia, classism, alcoholism, addiction, physical and sexual abuse, ecological irresponsibility and our spiritual poverty.)
Everyone is on the way out Everyone gets knocked down
Your time has come and gone
Everything fades away and moves on But I'll still be here
In a food pantry in Springfield, Massachusetts
In the Mellow House Garage in Albany, California
In the Cupertino library with Al and Gwen
At the Eco-Action center in Austin
In an abandoned sewage treatment plan in Las Vegas, NV
In the video store in Albuquerque with Scared of Chaka
In the blue chair in Tampa Florida
At the Phoenix Theater in Petaluma
In A field in Dayton Ohio
At  Mrs. Neilson's farm outside of El Centro
In the basement of ABC NO RIO
At the Neilhouse in Columbus Ohio
In Little Rock at the Das Youts a Go Go
At the Dick St. House in Greensburough
In Curtis' basement and The Loft in Sacramento
At Marties in Sweet Home Mankato
At the graveyard in Lexington Kentucky
At the baseball diamond in Peaceful Valley
At JJ's Rose Arcade in Rapid City
In the living room at 1640
In an abandoned warehouse in Miami
At Owns Pizza and New Method laundry
At Club Foot and the Farm in the city
At the Dupont circle in Washington DC
Where I can Work the door at 924
Gilman St. in Berkeley
and the People's Park where the food is always free
I'll still be here
Cuz the only ones who know the truth are under 14
They play in a band in a garage in the middle of Missouri
They don't really know how to play but they got some songs
and They got a lot to say
They sing about how racism sucks and the police are fucked
I'll still be here
Oh darlin' you, you got what I need
And you say he's just a friend, but he works for A and M
Oh darlin' you, you got what I need
And you say  he's just a friend, but he wants to buy your

Ain't Life a Drag
All the money in the world ain't never gonna make you happy
All the money in the world ain't never gonna set you free
All the wealth you can steal and hide away ain't never gonna bring you no kind
of security
When just about everybody else in the world wants to burn
down your house and steal all your money
Ain't life a drag when you got it all
Then you gotta find out it's not what you wanted after all
Ain't life a drag when you got everything you want
And just about nothing you need
All the cocaine in the world ain't never gonna make you happy
All the alcohol in the world ain't never set no one free
All the speed and cigarettes and coffee ain't never gonna
bring you no kind of health
All the heroin in the world ain't never gonna give you nothing
you ain't already got inside of yourself
Ain't life a drag when you got it all
Then you gotta find out it's  not what you wanted after all
Ain't life a drag when you got everything you want
And just about nothing you need
All the power in the world ain't never gonna make you happy
All the contol in the world ain't never set no one free
All the people you can intimidate it ain't never gonna make
you safe
What are you gonna do when everyone's got their sights on you
What are you gonna do when everyone's got their sights on you
Ain't life a drag when you got it all
Then you gotta find out it's not what you wanted after all
Ain't life a drag when you got everything you want
And just about nothing you need

All the Good Times
Every day we get a little bit closer
And every year we look back to see how far we've come
Well now your baby boy has got a story to tell
So sit back mom and dad and listen well
Always knew that I could make it
Even when I forgot what I was chasin
Had a dream I'd meet such a sweet little girl
To share all the love that you taught me
And friends who were as good to me as you
but now all my dreams they have come true now
Which leaves me with one final chore
To say thank you for all the time you gave
And all the irreplaceable love and understanding
I'll always cherish the good times that we had

Hey Joe

My World Audio Fanzine #4
(working on it)

Welcome to Berkeley
I knew a girl who had a miscarriage on the bus
on her way to Highland Hospital
I knew a girl who was 17 and pregnant
she shot heroin in her arm.
I knew a girl was 23, she overdosed and died
and now I guess she's free
I knew a boy who threw his body in front of a train
guess he couldn't take the hell that lived in his brain
Welcome to Berkeley
Punk Rock wonderland
Your heroes on every corner
Fun for the whole family
Fun for the whole family
I knew a girl who couldn't stand being attacked
She died when three bullets pierced her back
I knew a boy who tried to stop a fight
he got stabbed to death
I knew a girl who was fifteen years old
she died of an overdose and no one seemed to notice
My momma got gang-raped, brought me into the world
and gave me away
Welcome to Berkeley
Punk Rock wonderland
Your heroes on every corner
Fun for the whole family
Fun for the whole family
You can watch your friends self-destruct
You can watch your innocence corrupt
You can watch your friends corrupt
You can watch your innocence self-destruct
A junkies life is so glamorous
A junkies life is so glamorous
A teen parent's life is so glamorous A dead kid's life is pretty uneventful (back cover of insert): All the time growing up, I knew that there was something really problematical in my relationship to manhood. Inside, deep inside, I never believed I was fully male--I never believed I was growing up enough of a man. I believed that someplace out there, in other men, there was something that was genuine authentic All-American manhood--the real stuff--but I didn't have it: not enough of it to convince me anyway, even if I managed to be fairly convincing to those around me, I felt like an impostor, like a fake. I agonized a lot about not feeling male enough, and I had no idea then how much I was not alone. Then I read those words--those words that suggested to me for the first time that the notion of manhood is a cultural delusion, a baseless belief, a false front, a house of cards. It's not true. The category I was trying so desperately to belong to, to be a member of in good standing-- it doesn't exist. Poof. Now you see it, now you don't. Now you're terrified you're not really part of it; now you're free, you don't have to worry anymore. However removed you feel inside from "authentic manhood," it doesn't matter. What matters is the center inside yourself-- and how you live, and how you treat people, and what you can contribute as you pass through life on this earth, and how honestly you love, and how carefully you make choices. Those are things that really matter. Not whether you're a real man. There's no such thing.